– Keigo Shibuya, Ryuichi Shibasaki, Tomoya Kawasaki and Tomomi Tokuori, How a civil conflict affects the logistics growth? Case of Western Africa by the global logistics intermodal network simulation, Annual Conference of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2021), 25−27 November 2021, Rotterdam, the Netherland, accepted
– Minato Nakashima, Ryuichi Shibasaki, Can be short-term forecast of port throughput for dry bulk cargo improved by AIS data? – Machine-learning approach, Annual Conference of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2021), 25−27 November 2021, Rotterdam, the Netherland, accepted
– Chathumi Ayanthi Kavirathna, Ryuichi Shibasaki, Wenyi Ding, Natsuhiko Otsuka, Vessel speed optimization considering the environment and economic perspectives of Arctic Shipping, Annual Conference of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2021), 25−27 November 2021, Rotterdam, the Netherland, accepted
– Hisayuki Wakashima, Tomoya Kawasaki, Ryuichi Shibasaki, How the use and acceptance of E-commerce was affected by the COVID-19 outbreak – A Japanese case, 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 12−14 September 2021, Hiroshima, Japan (online)