3 conference reviewed papers are accepted and 1 conference presentation is delivered

– Keigo ShibuyaRyuichi Shibasaki, Tomoya Kawasaki and Tomomi Tokuori, How a civil conflict affects the logistics growth? Case of Western Africa by the global logistics intermodal network simulation, Annual Conference of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2021), 25−27 November 2021, Rotterdam, the Netherland, accepted

– Minato NakashimaRyuichi Shibasaki, Can be short-term forecast of port throughput for dry bulk cargo improved by AIS data? – Machine-learning approach, Annual Conference of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2021), 25−27 November 2021, Rotterdam, the Netherland, accepted

– Chathumi Ayanthi KavirathnaRyuichi ShibasakiWenyi Ding, Natsuhiko Otsuka, Vessel speed optimization considering the environment and economic perspectives of Arctic Shipping, Annual Conference of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2021), 25−27 November 2021, Rotterdam, the Netherland, accepted

– Hisayuki Wakashima, Tomoya Kawasaki, Ryuichi Shibasaki, How the use and acceptance of E-commerce was affected by the COVID-19 outbreak – A Japanese case, 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 12−14 September 2021, Hiroshima, Japan (online)
